Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2017, Vol. 1(1) 22-34

Neuroeducation: Why educators should employ neuroscience findings?

Bengisu Koyuncu

pp. 22 - 34   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 31, 2017  |   Single/Total View: 40/434   |   Single/Total Download: 41/751


Education is a scientific field that makes use of findings from multiple disciplines. The interaction between neuroscience and education has opened new avenues for cognitive processes. This study is designed to expand upon scientific discussions that provide insights into how the interactive discipline of education can use findings from neuroeducation, which offers a holistic approach to findings from neuroscience and specifically cognitive neuroscience. The aim thus is to contribute to the field of education in multidisciplinary studies. In this study, the question of how teachers can 'apply the results of cognitive neuroscience research to class' are discussed according to the results of the researches in the fields of neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience. Neuroeducation conception is approached differently than 'brain-based/adapted learning'. Although both conceptions appear alike to each other, neuroeducation covers more extensive contents. This study is based on the findings from research in neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience. The premise therefore is that the findings from neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience and education should make a coherent whole for students' motivation, emotions, speaking, vocabulary, conceptual understanding, problem-solving skills and ability to live in the community.

Keywords: Neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, neuroeducation

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APA 7th edition
Koyuncu, B. (2017). Neuroeducation: Why educators should employ neuroscience findings?. TAY Journal, 1(1), 22-34.

Koyuncu, B. (2017). Neuroeducation: Why educators should employ neuroscience findings?. TAY Journal, 1(1), pp. 22-34.

Chicago 16th edition
Koyuncu, Bengisu (2017). "Neuroeducation: Why educators should employ neuroscience findings?". TAY Journal 1 (1):22-34.


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