Guide For Authors

The responsibility for the content, scientificity and other issues of the article submitted to the journal belongs entirely to the author(s). By submitting the article, the author(s) is deemed to have accepted all the terms and conditions written in the journal. TAY Journal accepts articles through the DergiPark system. Article submission is carried out in 5 steps. These steps are included in the images below.

Process of Uploading Manuscript to the System

Publication Process

1. The candidate article received by TAY Journal is firstly pre-evaluated by the secretariat in terms of its compliance with the publication template. The candidate article that does not comply with the template is returned to the author(s).

2. The candidate article that passes the preliminary evaluation is forwarded to the chief editor/editors. The chief editor/editors review the candidate article in terms of the journal's editorial policy, publication principles, writing rules and originality of the candidate article. As a result of this review, the candidate article is sent to the relevant editor in the editorial board. The unsuitable candidate article is returned to the author(s), stating the reason.

3. The relevant editor in the editorial board pre-evaluates the candidate article in terms of originality, relevance to the field, relevance and accuracy of the statistics used. As a result of this evaluation, the candidate article deemed appropriate is forwarded to the chief editor/editors. The candidate manuscript is sent anonymously to at least two referees by the editor-in-chief/editors. The referees are selected from the referee pool of TAY Journal, provided that they are from outside the author(s)' institution.

4. If the candidate article receives two rejections or one rejection and one major correction at the end of the referee reports, the author(s) will be notified that it is not accepted for publication with the reasons. In other cases, the chief editor/editors may review the referee report and initiate an additional evaluation process if necessary.

5. The decision regarding the publication of the candidate article whose referee process is positive is made by the editorial board. The processes of the candidate article accepted for publication by the editorial board are as follows:

  • Peer review reports and editorial evaluations of the candidate article accepted for publication are sent to the corresponding author.
  • The corresponding author edits the candidate article according to the relevant reports and submits it to the chief editor/editors.
  • The chief editor/editors check the candidate manuscript, put it into the revision process and send the revision notes, if any, to the corresponding author.
  • During the revision process, the candidate article is checked for plagiarism again.
  • The candidate article, whose revision process is completed, is forwarded to the writing-layout editors.
  • After the writing-layout process is completed, the candidate article is sent to the corresponding author for a final check.

6. After these processes are completed, the final decision on the publication of the candidate article is made by the editorial board. The article accepted for publication is published as “Future Issue”. The article in the next issue is included in the publication process and published in the relevant issue.

7. The following points are important regarding the publication process:

  • Communication between the author(s) and the referees is conducted by the editorial board.
  • The copyright of the works is obtained from the author(s) by having the Copyright Transfer Agreement approved when the candidate manuscript is uploaded to the system.
  • The works submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication.
  • The author(s) should prepare the candidate paper in accordance with APA7 (American Psychological Association) standards.
  • The candidate manuscript must undergo "proofreading" before publication, and proof of this must be provided.
  • The candidate article must be scanned with academic plagiarism prevention software (e.g. Ithenticate, Turnitin) and the reports of this scanning must be uploaded to the system. The similarity rate of the candidate article should be less than 20% and the similarity rate for a source should be less than 3%. TAY Journal reserves the right to reject all candidate articles with academic plagiarism at the editorial stage.
  • The 16-digit ORCID ID number of each author whose name appears in the candidate manuscript needs to be included in the manuscript accepted for publication.

Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive

TAY Journal is committed to academic principles and ethical values in its publication policy. It continues its publication life in accordance with national and international standards regarding ethical principles and values. In this context, the standards set by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and the principles set out in the CoHE “Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive” are taken into consideration.

TAY Journal requires the author(s) to comply with research and publication ethics. Compliance with “National and International Ethical Guides” and permission from the relevant ethics committees are essential for research conducted in humans or animals. The articles in the journal must be prepared within the framework of “ethical rules”. Ethical responsibility belongs to the author(s). Ethical principles regarding editors, referees and authors of TAY Journal can be found in the Ethical Principles and Publication Policy.

For research conducted on humans or animals, the “Ethics Committee Permission” document must be uploaded to the journal system. In addition, the author(s) should fill in the “Ethical Permits of Research” and “Ethics Committee Permission Information” sections in the article template appropriately. The editorial board has the right to request detailed information from the author(s) on this subject if necessary. Studies that do not submit a report even though they require 'Ethics Committee Permission' will not be evaluated.

In this context,
- For research requiring ethics committee approval, ethics committee approval must be obtained and this approval must be indicated in the appropriate sections of the manuscript template.
- The ethics committee permission obtained must be documented and uploaded to the system as a separate file. The information in the ethics committee file uploaded to the journal must be compatible with the article title and author names.
- For studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the ethics permission information section.
- Authors are required to comply with copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used (citation of source for use of images, permission to use scale, etc.).
- If there is a supporting institution in the research, it must be indicated in the “Biographical Notes” section.
- Ethics committee approval, if the article uploaded to the system is within the scope of thesis study, abstract poster presentation or abstract oral presentation, this information should be included on the title page ("This article was prepared using the data obtained from .... author's master's/doctoral thesis." / "This article was presented as an oral/poster presentation at the ..... conference on .... date.").

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