Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2018, Vol. 2(1) 80-93

The Evaluation of the Animations Developed for the Teachers of Talented and Gifted Pupils: Perceived Learning, Usability and Participation


pp. 80 - 93   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 01, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 86/341   |   Single/Total Download: 101/616


The purpose of this research is to examine the animations, developed on socio-emotional strategies that the teachers of gifted/talented pupils'/students can use to solve various problem situations that they may encounter, in terms of several variables. These variables are in terms of teachers; perceived learning, usability and participation contexts. In this context, 8 learning objects were developed in animation format. Four of these learning objects were developed for pre-school teachers and the remaining four for primary school teachers. These learning objects were examined by 90 pre-school and primary school teachers. Afterwards, teachers' opinions were obtained by using the 'Learning Object Assessment Scale' developed by Gürer and Yıldırım 2014 . The scale used in the study consists of three parts; perceived learning, usability and participation. When the data obtained from the study are examined, it is seen that teachers' appreciation towards animations is high in usability, participation and perceived learning sub dimensions. When sub-dimensions were examined in terms of branches, pre-school teachers' appreciation for animations was found to be higher but it did not cause any significant difference between the branches. When the sub-dimensions were examined in terms of the study year variance, it was observed that the averages between the groups were close to each other and there was no meaningful difference between them


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APA 7th edition
KUKUL, V., UNAL, M., KARATAS, S., KILIC-CAKMAK, E., & YILMAZ, A. (2018). The Evaluation of the Animations Developed for the Teachers of Talented and Gifted Pupils: Perceived Learning, Usability and Participation. TAY Journal, 2(1), 80-93.

KUKUL, V., UNAL, M., KARATAS, S., KILIC-CAKMAK, E. and YILMAZ, A. (2018). The Evaluation of the Animations Developed for the Teachers of Talented and Gifted Pupils: Perceived Learning, Usability and Participation. TAY Journal, 2(1), pp. 80-93.

Chicago 16th edition
KUKUL, Volkan, Mertcan UNAL, Sercin KARATAS, Ebru KILIC-CAKMAK and Ayse YILMAZ (2018). "The Evaluation of the Animations Developed for the Teachers of Talented and Gifted Pupils: Perceived Learning, Usability and Participation". TAY Journal 2 (1):80-93.

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