Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2019, Vol. 3(2) 25-50

Secondary School Students' Representations towards the Learning-Teaching Process in Social Studies Course


pp. 25 - 50   |  DOI:

Publish Date: September 01, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 64/363   |   Single/Total Download: 76/634


Social Studies course aims to nurture individuals adopted with democratic values who are also inquisitive corresponding with the requirements of 21st century and able to develop different perceptions. In this regard, the learning and teaching processes of Social Studies course should be reorganized to meet the students' personal differences, interests and demands through student-centred method. Students' representations towards learning and teaching processes should be determined and the processes should be reorganized according to those representations for an effective Social Studies education. The present study is aimed to reveal students' representations regarding learning and teaching process in Social Studies course. The problem statement is ‘What are the representations of the students towards learning and teaching process of Social Studies course?' The study was designed as a case study which is referred as one of the qualitative research approaches. The study was conducted at a state school in the province of Adana, Seyhan in 2017-2018 educational year. The participants of the study were 4 female and 4 male students. The data were gathered through semi- structured interview form. Content analysis was used in the study. It can be said that the students find course book-centred learning- teaching process boring and have difficulty to understand the lesson. Moreover, the integration of learning- teaching process with the technology facilitates the students' understanding and they become happy with the process. It can also be added that the use of materials is not given enough importance. According to the findings, the methods, techniques, materials and evaluation methods are needed to be varied by Social Studies teachers

Keywords: Social Studies, Learning-teaching, Students’ representations

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APA 7th edition
SAGLAMGONCU, A. (2019). Secondary School Students’ Representations towards the Learning-Teaching Process in Social Studies Course. TAY Journal, 3(2), 25-50.

SAGLAMGONCU, A. (2019). Secondary School Students’ Representations towards the Learning-Teaching Process in Social Studies Course. TAY Journal, 3(2), pp. 25-50.

Chicago 16th edition
SAGLAMGONCU, Ahmet (2019). "Secondary School Students’ Representations towards the Learning-Teaching Process in Social Studies Course". TAY Journal 3 (2):25-50.

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