|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Original article | TAY Journal 2023, Vol. 7(2) 329-354

Examining the Situations Experienced by University Students After Covid-19 Pandemic

Vedat Aktepe, Hayrettin İnan

pp. 329 - 354   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.01   |  Manu. Number: tay journal.2023.016

Published online: April 05, 2023  |   Number of Views: 30  |  Number of Download: 339


In this research, it is aimed to reveal the situations experienced by university students regarding Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath. The research was conducted by a qualitative research design, and data were collected using a semi-structured interview form from 31 junior students attending a Faculty of Education. The collected data were analysed by content analysis. As a result of the research, it is understood that the students are satisfied to have returned to face-to-face education. Overcrowded school and dormitory make it difficult to comply with the measures taken, and cause problems related to cleaning. It has been found that the rate of compliance of students with pandemic measures at school is higher than in dormitories. The majority of students identified having problems with wearing masks, obeying social distancing and following hygiene rules. It is understood that Covid-19 pandemic has made life difficult and people unhappy and hopeless. It is found that people have been bored with the pandemic, they have been worried about the risk of infections, so they socialize and communicate less and treat each other more coldly.

Keywords: Post Covid-19 pandemic, university, student, their experiences

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APA 6th edition
Aktepe, V. & Inan, H. (2023). Examining the Situations Experienced by University Students After Covid-19 Pandemic . TAY Journal, 7(2), 329-354. doi: 10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.01

Aktepe, V. and Inan, H. (2023). Examining the Situations Experienced by University Students After Covid-19 Pandemic . TAY Journal, 7(2), pp. 329-354.

Chicago 16th edition
Aktepe, Vedat and Hayrettin Inan (2023). "Examining the Situations Experienced by University Students After Covid-19 Pandemic ". TAY Journal 7 (2):329-354. doi:10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.01.


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