Research article | Open Access
TAY Journal 2023, Vol. 7(3) 21-42
pp. 21 - 42 | DOI:
Publish Date: October 29, 2023 | Single/Total View: 23/311 | Single/Total Download: 26/434
Life science course has an important place in preparing students for life and higher education levels by equipping them with the necessary knowledge, skills and values. In the research, it was aimed to describe the similarities and differences by comparing the Türkiye and Azerbaijan Life Science Curriculum at primary school level. Case design, one of the quantitative research methods, was used in the research. While examining the similarities and differences in both programs that were analyzed descriptively, the four basic elements of the education programs and life skills and values included in the Life Science Curriculum were taken into account. As a result of the research, it has been concluded that Türkiye and Azerbaijan Life Science Programs are quite similar in terms of general purposes, life skills, content, values and learning-teaching processes. It has been seen that the Azerbaijan Life Science Curriculum has the quality of a guide in terms of guiding teachers according to the Türkiye Life Science Curriculum.
Keywords: Türkiye, Azerbaijan, primary school, life science lesson, curriculum
APA 7th edition
Aydemir, H., & Palancioglu, O.V. (2023). Comparison of Türkiye and Azerbaijan Primary School Life Science Curriculum. TAY Journal, 7(3), 21-42.
Aydemir, H. and Palancioglu, O. (2023). Comparison of Türkiye and Azerbaijan Primary School Life Science Curriculum. TAY Journal, 7(3), pp. 21-42.
Chicago 16th edition
Aydemir, Hasan and Omer Varol Palancioglu (2023). "Comparison of Türkiye and Azerbaijan Primary School Life Science Curriculum". TAY Journal 7 (3):21-42.
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