Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2023, Vol. 7(3) 181-215

Analyzing 2nd Grade Life Studies Objectives for Root Values and Identifying 2nd Graders' Perceptions of Root Values

Zeynep Betül Yılmaz, Seher Yarar Kaptan

pp. 181 - 215   |  DOI:

Publish Date: October 29, 2023  |   Single/Total View: 20/316   |   Single/Total Download: 21/432


The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the learning objectives for 2nd graders in the 2018 Life Studies curriculum and root values and to find out the perceptions of 2nd grade primary school students towards root values by means of a word association test. It is a qualitative research in the phenomenology model. The study group for the research consists of 17 students attending the 2nd grade. List of Root Values and the Word Association Test [WAT] were used as data collection tools. The objectives in six units in the 2018 Life Studies 2nd grade curriculum were examined by the researchers in terms of their relationship with root values. The word association test on root values was applied to primary school students. Descriptive analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. Students' answers were evaluated, and frequency tables of the words were created. Considering the frequencies of the answer words, four cut-off points were determined. Conceptual network maps were then prepared with the words at the cut-off points. In the conceptual networks, the relationships between the words produced by the students related to the keywords were revealed. The findings obtained in the study reveal that the root values associated with the objectives do not show a balanced distribution across units and that student perceptions of root values are shaped independently of the relationship between the root values and the learning objectives. The results of the study show that word association tests can be used as a diagnostic tool.

Keywords: Word association, life studies, values, 2nd grade of primary school

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APA 7th edition
Yilmaz, Z.B., & Kaptan, S.Y. (2023). Analyzing 2nd Grade Life Studies Objectives for Root Values and Identifying 2nd Graders’ Perceptions of Root Values . TAY Journal, 7(3), 181-215.

Yilmaz, Z. and Kaptan, S. (2023). Analyzing 2nd Grade Life Studies Objectives for Root Values and Identifying 2nd Graders’ Perceptions of Root Values . TAY Journal, 7(3), pp. 181-215.

Chicago 16th edition
Yilmaz, Zeynep Betul and Seher Yarar Kaptan (2023). "Analyzing 2nd Grade Life Studies Objectives for Root Values and Identifying 2nd Graders’ Perceptions of Root Values ". TAY Journal 7 (3):181-215.


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