Research article | Open Access
TAY Journal 2023, Vol. 7(3) 216-240
pp. 216 - 240 | DOI:
Publish Date: October 29, 2023 | Single/Total View: 21/326 | Single/Total Download: 25/454
This study was conducted to determine social studies teachers' views on reasons leading to difficulties in teaching and learning some subjects in the social studies course and their solution proposals. The case study model, which is one of the qualitative research methods, was employed in the study. Study data were collected from 36 social studies teachers working in Tokat, Türkiye in the 2021-2022 academic year. The data were collected by using a semi-structured interview form consisting of seven questions, and they were tabulated under certain codes and subjected to content analysis. As a result of the interviews with the teachers, it was concluded that history subjects were the most challenging in the teaching and learning of the social studies course. Reasons for the difficulties in the teaching and learning of these subjects included teacher, student, curriculum, method-technique, and material-related problems. It was concluded that factors, such as lack of interest in the course, poor motivation, not doing homework, and not revising the subjects, were effective reasons why students had difficulty learning history subjects. Teachers' reasons why they had difficulties teaching history subjects were inadequate undergraduate education and school experience courses, not following the innovations in their fields, having problems with technology, and poor motivation. Students saw history subjects as rote learning, difficult, and boring, which decreased their motivation and negatively affected the teaching process of social studies course. For this reason, it is very crucial to use materials that will increase interest in the course and make it fun.
Keywords: Social studies education, difficulties in teaching social studies
APA 7th edition
Yalcin, E., & Tuna, Y.E. (2023). Teachers' Views On Difficult Subjects in the Teaching and Learning of the Social Studies Course Article . TAY Journal, 7(3), 216-240.
Yalcin, E. and Tuna, Y. (2023). Teachers' Views On Difficult Subjects in the Teaching and Learning of the Social Studies Course Article . TAY Journal, 7(3), pp. 216-240.
Chicago 16th edition
Yalcin, Emrullah and Yasemin Er Tuna (2023). "Teachers' Views On Difficult Subjects in the Teaching and Learning of the Social Studies Course Article ". TAY Journal 7 (3):216-240.
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