|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Original article | TAY Journal 2024, Vol. 8(1) 149-175

The Use of Oral History in Educational Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

Hafize Er Türküresin, İbrahim Sarı, Döndü Özdemir

pp. 149 - 175   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ tayjournal.2024.625.06   |  Manu. Number: tay journal.2024.006

Published online: March 31, 2024  |   Number of Views: 17  |  Number of Download: 158


This study aims to make a bibliometric analysis of educational research in which the oral history method is used and scanned in the Web of Science [WoS] database. In the research in which descriptive and bibliometric analysis methods were used, the studies were limited according to certain criteria and downloaded as "ciw" files from the WoS database. The data were mapped with the VOSviewer program. 381 articles with open-access data published between 1980-2022 were analysed. When the studies were analysed in terms of the number of publications, it was found that the highest increase was experienced in 2010, while the increase in the number of publications and citations was irregular. The most cited educational research on oral history was Bernal's (1998) article, while the most co-cited authors were Thompson, Freire, Alberti, Faucault, and Portelli, respectively. The countries with the highest number of publications on oral history are the United States of America, Brazil, Canada and the United Kingdom. In terms of country citation analysis, the most cited country was the United States of America, and in terms of institution citation analysis, the most cited institutions were California Davis University, the University of Missouri and Virginia Commonwealth University. It was concluded that the most commonly used keywords in the published studies were oral history, history, memory, education, teacher training, gender, history of education, teachers, teaching and women. At the end of the research, researchers may be advised to conduct studies on oral history from different databases.

Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, education, oral history

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Turkuresin, H.E., Sari, I. & Ozdemir, D. (2024). The Use of Oral History in Educational Research: A Bibliometric Analysis . TAY Journal, 8(1), 149-175. doi: 10.29329/ tayjournal.2024.625.06

Turkuresin, H., Sari, I. and Ozdemir, D. (2024). The Use of Oral History in Educational Research: A Bibliometric Analysis . TAY Journal, 8(1), pp. 149-175.

Chicago 16th edition
Turkuresin, Hafize Er, Ibrahim Sari and Dondu Ozdemir (2024). "The Use of Oral History in Educational Research: A Bibliometric Analysis ". TAY Journal 8 (1):149-175. doi:10.29329/ tayjournal.2024.625.06.


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