Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2019, Vol. 3(1) 61-75

Happiness Scale at School for Primary School Students: Validity and Reliability Study

Aslı GÜNDOĞAN & Cüneyit AKAR

pp. 61 - 75   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 01, 2019  |   Single/Total View: 85/357   |   Single/Total Download: 99/631


The aim of this study is to develop the Happiness Scale in school and to examine the validity and reliability studies of primary school students in order to determine their level of happiness in school. The study group consisted of 279 primary school students. Content and construct validity were used to determine the validity of the scale. Expert opinion was consulted for content validity; exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were performed to test the construct validity. The results of the analysis showed that the scale with three-point Likert type consisted of 9 items and two sub-dimensions. The sub-dimensions of the scale are happiness in school 'and 'unhappiness in school' In the reliability study, Cronbach's alpha internal consistency coefficients were found to be 0.68 for both subscales and 0.76 for the whole scale. The findings show that the Happiness Scale at School is a valid and reliable measurement tool for determining the level of happiness of primary school students

Keywords: Primary school, Subjective well-being, Happiness, Happiness scale at school

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APA 7th edition
GUNDOGAN, A., & AKAR, C. (2019). Happiness Scale at School for Primary School Students: Validity and Reliability Study. TAY Journal, 3(1), 61-75.

GUNDOGAN, A. and AKAR, C. (2019). Happiness Scale at School for Primary School Students: Validity and Reliability Study. TAY Journal, 3(1), pp. 61-75.

Chicago 16th edition
GUNDOGAN, Asli and Cuneyit AKAR (2019). "Happiness Scale at School for Primary School Students: Validity and Reliability Study". TAY Journal 3 (1):61-75.

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