|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Original article | TAY Journal 2023, Vol. 7(2) 358-371

Determination of Four Operation Symbol Errors of Primary School Students and Solution Suggestions

Halil Önal, Oktay Aydın

pp. 358 - 371   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.02   |  Manu. Number: tay journal.2023.017

Published online: April 06, 2023  |   Number of Views: 19  |  Number of Download: 329


The aim of this study is to determine the symbol errors made by primary school first and second grade students in four operations content. The model of the research is a case study, one of the qualitative research methods. Study group, the sample consists of 327 students studying at the first and second grade levels of primary school, selected through criterion sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods. As a result of the analysis, within the category of symbol errors; “perceiving the minus (–) sign as a plus (+) sign”, “perceiving the plus (+) sign as a minus (–) sign”, “mistaking the equal (=) sign”, “writing number symbols incorrectly”, “using the operation line in the wrong place”, “not using the operation line”, “not using the operation symbol”, “confusing the places of the operation symbols”, “perceiving the multiplication (x) sign as a plus (+) sign”, “perceiving the division (÷) sign as a minus (–) sign”, “perceiving the plus (+) sign as a multiplication (x) sign”, “perceiving the multiplication (x) sign as a division (÷) sign”, “perceiving the minus (–) sign as a division (÷) sign” error types determined. Among these symbols errors, it was determined that the error of perceiving the minus (-) sign as plus (+) was made by the first-grade students at the highest rate. By the second-grade students, it was concluded that the error of perceiving the multiplication (x) sign as a plus (+) sign was made at the highest rate.

Keywords: Primary school, mathematics teaching, four operations, symbol, error

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Onal, H. & Aydin, O. (2023). Determination of Four Operation Symbol Errors of Primary School Students and Solution Suggestions . TAY Journal, 7(2), 358-371. doi: 10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.02

Onal, H. and Aydin, O. (2023). Determination of Four Operation Symbol Errors of Primary School Students and Solution Suggestions . TAY Journal, 7(2), pp. 358-371.

Chicago 16th edition
Onal, Halil and Oktay Aydin (2023). "Determination of Four Operation Symbol Errors of Primary School Students and Solution Suggestions ". TAY Journal 7 (2):358-371. doi:10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.02.


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