|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Original article | TAY Journal 2023, Vol. 7(2) 407-442

Content Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Formative Assessment and Education in Turkey

Burcu Torun, Murat Pektaş

pp. 407 - 442   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.04   |  Manu. Number: tay journal.2023.019

Published online: May 08, 2023  |   Number of Views: 17  |  Number of Download: 245


The aim of this study was to examine the postgraduate papers on formative assessment in Turkey from a thematic perspective. The thematic content analysis method was used in the study. The study group consisted of 38 (27 master's theses and 11 doctoral theses) approved doctoral theses. These dissertations were classified under 5 main themes (studies describing formative assessment competencies of teachers or pre-service teachers, studies planning the development of formative assessment components of teachers or pre-service teachers, studies examining the effects of formative assessment on student outcomes, studies on factors influencing formative assessment practices, other studies on formative assessment) were analyzed in terms of different variables. Analyzing these works according to the main topics, it was found that the studies describing the formative assessment competencies of teachers or prospective teachers and the studies planning to improve the formative assessment components of teachers or prospective teachers were the least in number. It was found that most of the studies on formative assessment were studies that examined the effects of formative assessment on student outcomes, and that these effects were mostly performance on cognitive characteristics and attitudes on affective characteristics. The most commonly used method in the studies was mixed methods, and the least used method was action research. While interviews and scales were mostly used as data collection instruments in the studies, content analysis, descriptive analysis, and t-test were frequently preferred among the data analysis methods. Suggestions for future research on formative assessment were presented at the end of the study.

Keywords: Formative assessment, content analysis, postgraduate thesis studies

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APA 6th edition
Torun, B. & Pektas, M. (2023). Content Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Formative Assessment and Education in Turkey . TAY Journal, 7(2), 407-442. doi: 10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.04

Torun, B. and Pektas, M. (2023). Content Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Formative Assessment and Education in Turkey . TAY Journal, 7(2), pp. 407-442.

Chicago 16th edition
Torun, Burcu and Murat Pektas (2023). "Content Analysis of Postgraduate Theses on Formative Assessment and Education in Turkey ". TAY Journal 7 (2):407-442. doi:10.29329/tayjournal.2023.543.04.


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