|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Original article | TAY Journal 2023, Vol. 7(4) 1022-1045

Literature Circle Method Practice with Preschool Teachers through Children’s Books: An Action Research Example

Gülizar Tepetaş Cengiz, Mahzar Bal

pp. 1022 - 1045   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.13   |  Manu. Number: tay journal.2023.056

Published online: November 30, 2023  |   Number of Views: 21  |  Number of Download: 262


The aim of this study is to increase the interaction between the educator and the book by discussing the picture storybooks used in the picture story reading activities carried out by the preschool educators through the literature circle methods. Since it aims to intervene in an educational situation and is carried out directly with preschool educators, this study was designed with action research, one of the qualitative research methods. The participants of the research are four preschool educators. As for the data collection, semi-structured interview form, participants’ diaries, and researcher's diary were used. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data. At the end of the research, it was concluded that the literature circle method affected the reading process in three different ways. These are (a) professional development, (b) relativity for the student, and (c) planning the teaching process. It was concluded that the reading circle method had a positive effect on the professional development of the participants, enabling the proper reading process for the student and effective planning of in-class practices. Hands-on workshops can be carried out that enable preschool educators to make use of picture storybooks in their schools through different reading methods.

Keywords: Literature circle, preschool educator, picture storybooks, reader response theory, reading skill

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Cengiz, G.T. & Bal, M. (2023). Literature Circle Method Practice with Preschool Teachers through Children’s Books: An Action Research Example . TAY Journal, 7(4), 1022-1045. doi: 10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.13

Cengiz, G. and Bal, M. (2023). Literature Circle Method Practice with Preschool Teachers through Children’s Books: An Action Research Example . TAY Journal, 7(4), pp. 1022-1045.

Chicago 16th edition
Cengiz, Gulizar Tepetas and Mahzar Bal (2023). "Literature Circle Method Practice with Preschool Teachers through Children’s Books: An Action Research Example ". TAY Journal 7 (4):1022-1045. doi:10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.13.


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