Volume 7 Issue 4 (November 2023)
Issue Information Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610



Original Articles Investigation of the Effects of Augmented Reality Applications on the Astronomy Literacy Levels of Secondary School Students

Esra Benli Özdemir

pp. 684 - 705   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.01


In this study, it is aimed to determine the astronomy literacy levels of the seventh and eighth grade secondary school students and to investigate the effect of augmented reality [AR] applications on the astronomy literacy levels of the students. The research is a quantitative study and a quasi-experimental method was used. The study group consists of a total of 95 seventh and eighth grade students (n7th grade = 46 and n8th grade = 49) studying in a secondary school in the central district of Ankara in the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. The students of the study group of the research were selected by using convenient sampling method. Two experiments and two control groups were used in the study. The data of the research were obtained with the astronomy literacy scale before and after the application. In practice, the lessons were taught within the framework of basic astronomy concepts, with augmented reality applications in the experimental groups, and with the activities suggested in the textbooks in line with the achievements specified in the curriculum in the control groups. As a result of the analysis of the data, it was noted that the students' astronomy literacy levels were low before the application. After the application, the astronomy literacy levels of the experimental group students were high; it was seen that the control group students reached the intermediate level. It was determined that augmented reality [AR] applications positively affected the astronomy literacy levels of the experimental group students.

Keywords: Astronomy literacy, augmented reality, middle school students

Original Articles A Comparative Analysis of Turkish and English Language Curriculum as Foreign Languages

Nilay Çağlayan Dilber

pp. 706 - 737   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.02


In Türkiye, many languages are taught as foreign languages, especially English, which is taught within the framework of the curriculum determined by the Ministry of National Education [MoNE] from primary education level onwards. Turkish, on the other hand, is taught as a foreign language both in Türkiye and abroad. The aim of this study is to compare the Turkish language curriculum as a foreign language with the English teaching programs in terms of basic foundations and implementation methods. The document analysis method was used to examine the MoNE Turkish Language Curriculum as a Foreign Language (MoNE, 2020), the English Course Curriculum (Primary School Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) (MoNE, 2018a), and the Secondary School English Course (Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12) Curriculum (Mone, 2018b). Through document analysis, it has been revealed that the Turkish Language Curriculum as a Foreign Language (Mone, 2020) has a greater diversity and currency of basic foundations compared to the English Curriculum. Furthermore, in terms of implementation methods, the Turkish Language Curriculum as a Foreign Language (Mone, 2020) is more detailed.

Keywords: Turkish teaching, English teaching, foreign language teaching, curriculum

Original Articles Counselors' Psychological Counseling Skills And Attitudes Towards Providing Counseling Help On Professional Satisfaction

Senem Özdamar, Ezgi Özeke Kocabaş

pp. 738 - 765   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.03


In training of qualified counselors and supporting their individual and professional development, it is considered important to reveal the quality of the relationship between the counseling skills of psychological counselors and their attitudes towards providing psychological help and their professional satisfaction. In this context, it was investigated whether there is a significant difference in psychological counselors' professional satisfaction, counseling skills, and attitudes towards providing counseling assistance in terms of their views on the efficiency of the courses of individual and group counseling practice, counseling principles and techniques or their equivalents. In addition, the effects of psychological counselors' counseling skills and their attitudes towards providing counseling help on their professional satisfaction are examined. For this purpose, 309 school counselors from different levels of educational institutions consititute the study group.Occupational Satisfaction Scale (OSS), Counseling Self-Estimate Inventory (COSI), Attitude Scale Towards Giving Psychological Counseling Helping (ASTGPCH) and Personal Information Form were used to collect data. Significant differences was found from nonparametric analysis of opinions of efficiency of the course of individual and group counseling, as well as the priciples and techniques of psychological counseling course. Analyzed by multiple regression, counselor’s counseling skills and attititudes toward counseling services explain their proffessional satisfaction by 20.9%. All evaluated together, quality of the education received by psychological counselors during their undergraduate education, their psychological counselling skill competencies and their positive attitudes towards providing psychological counselling help were found important factors in terms of their proffessional satisfaction.

Keywords: Counseling skills, counseling help, professional satisfaction

Original Articles Examining the Web Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Faculty of Sports Sciences Students and Their Attitudes towards Distance Education

Hayati Arslan, Mustafa Soner Yüce, Mehmet Behzat Turan

pp. 766 - 790   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.04


The aim of the research is to investigate the web pedagogical content knowledge and attitudes towards distance education of students enrolled in the Faculty of Sports Sciences. A total of 355 randomly selected students from Erciyes University's Faculty of Sports Sciences participated in the study. The research utilized the Distance Education Attitude Scale, Web Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale, and a personal information form prepared by the researcher. Independent t-test statistics were used to compare the scores obtained from the scales in terms of gender, internet access status, computer availability, previous experience with distance education, and taking courses in information technologies. One-way analysis of variance (LSD) test statistics were used for comparisons based on class, overall weighted grade point average, place of residence, and the perception of the university's distance education facilities. As a result, no statistically significant differences were found based on the gender variable, while significant differences were identified with respect to class, overall weighted grade point average, place of residence, internet access status, computer availability, previous experience with distance education, and the perception of the university's distance education facilities. Furthermore, when examining the results of correlation and regression, a significant negative relationship was observed between web pedagogical content knowledge and the limitations of distance education, explaining 14.1% of the total variance. Students with an adequate level of web content knowledge tend to have more positive attitudes toward distance education. With their sufficient web content knowledge, students can be more effective in focusing on online courses, which can potentially contribute to their academic success.

Keywords: Web pedagogical content, distance education, sports

Original Articles The Portrayal of “Bad” Teacher: A Phenomenological Study of Turkish Trainee Teachers’ Experiences

Ergin Erginer, Ali Bostancıoğlu, Aysun Erginer, Anıl Kadir Eranıl

pp. 791 - 826   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.05


Aiming to contribute towards building a collective picture of “good” teachers/teaching, the present study investigated Turkish teacher candidates’ (TCs’) perceptions of “bad” teachers/teaching. 182 TCs completing a postgraduate certificate in education in a medium-size university in Turkey participated in the study. The data was collected via an assignment and the participants were asked to provide situational examples of their experiences with their teachers. Stages of Thematic Analysis were followed during the analysis. In relation to “bad” teachers/teaching, around one-fourth of the coded content were grouped under the theme of professional (in)competencies (i.e. insufficient content knowledge), and almost three-fourths within affective qualities theme (i.e. discriminating among students) which indicated the perceived importance the latter played in student learning. The identified categories can be treated as a list of actions that can be avoided by teachers to create a more productive teaching/learning environment. The study concludes that consideration can be given to non-cognitive aspects in creating professional teaching standards and/or criteria during teacher recruitment processes.

Keywords: Bad” teacher; “good” teacher, effective teaching; teacher education, professional (in)competencies, affective qualities

Original Articles Study of Cognitive Structures of Professional Music Education Students Regarding the Concept of Aesthetics

Peyruze Rana Çetinkaya, Sevilay Kalay Meydan

pp. 827 - 845   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.06


Music is related to aesthetics like any field of fine arts. Just as an understanding of art that lacks aesthetics and philosophy cannot be conceived, there is no general music education devoid of these. In this study, it was aimed to examine the cognitive structures of the aesthetics concept of the students studying professional music education. The participants were 88 students in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade at the Department of Music, Musicology and Turkish Music at a public university in Turkey in 2022-2023 academic year. It was followed the qualitative research method and used descriptive research design. A word association test (WAT) was used as data collection tool. In word association tests, the words that are associated with a series of keywords given to the research group are expected to be listed within the given time. In this context, participants were given the concept "aesthetics” and asked to write their associations and to make a related sentence about that concept. The content analysis was used in the analysis process. The results of the study showed that the majority of music students had misconceptions about the concept of aesthetics

Keywords: Aesthetics, music students, cognitive structure, word association test

Original Articles Effectiveness of Presenting the Touch Math Technique on a Tablet in Teaching Simple Addition to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Abdurahman Demir, Sertan Talas, Yasin Gökbulut

pp. 846 - 872   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.07


Individuals with autism spectrum disorder often struggle with essential skills like mathematics, which are vital for independence. This includes understanding numbers, managing money, shopping, grasping time concepts, recognizing shapes, and arithmetic problem-solving. This research evaluates the effectiveness of the "Touch Math" method, delivered via tablet, in teaching basic addition to individuals with autism spectrum disorder. This technique is recognized in literature for its potential in teaching numbers and arithmetic. The study was conducted using the participant-across multiple probe design, a single-subject research method. The participant-across multiple probe design is a single-subject research method conducted with multiple participants to reveal the effects of an independent variable on a dependent variable. Four students aged 8-10 with autism spectrum disorder participated in the study. The findings indicate that the tablet-based "Touch Math" method effectively teaches them basic addition skills. The data of the study show that the "Touch Math" technique demonstrates 100% success in teaching addition skills to participants after an average of 7 to 9 teaching sessions. The follow-up data of the research show that participants maintained their acquired skills at a 100% level in the follow-up sessions conducted on the seventh, fourteenth, and twenty-first days after the teaching sessions. The study's findings show that participants applied their learned skills across various settings and people. Feedback from participants, their parents, and teachers affirmed the positive social validity of the study's methods, especially the tablet presentation. Based on these findings, suggestions have been made for future studies and practitioners.

Keywords: Touch Math technique, tablet, simple addition process, autism spectrum disorder

Original Articles Undergraduate Students in Vocational Music Education's Using Social Media to Improve their Instrument Playing Skills

Sami Emrah Gerekten, Emre Şengün, Erol Atmaca

pp. 873 - 901   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.08


The research is a mixed method study that aims to examine the utilisation of social media platforms by undergraduate vocational music education students to improve their instrumental skills from various aspects. The questionnaire form prepared by the researchers was used to collect the quantitative data obtained from the study group and the interview form prepared by the researchers was used to collect qualitative data. The data obtained in the study were analysed bidirectionally as quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data analysis of the research was carried out by descriptive analysis method. The quantitative data obtained were presented with relevant frequency and percentage calculations. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis. The data obtained after the analysis were presented to the reader as codes, categories and themes. In the study, quantitative data on the social media platforms that undergraduate students use predominantly when they turn to social media platforms with the motivation of improving their instrument playing skills, the distribution of the main factors in choosing these platforms, and the post owners they follow the most were accessed. In addition, qualitative findings were obtained regarding the reasons why students prefer social media platforms, their opinions on the advantages offered by these platforms, and the effective factors in choosing the music genres on the platforms. As a result of the study, it was seen that students used platforms effectively in developing their instrument playing skills and it was understood that they actively included the content on these platforms in their self-regulated learning processes.

Keywords: Social media, music education, instrument education, instrument playing, mixed method research

Original Articles Determination of Type I Error and Power Rate in Differential Item Functioning by Several Methods

Şeyma Erbay Mermer, Yasemin Kuzu, Hülya Kelecioğlu

pp. 902 - 921   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.09


In this study, the methods based on Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory were used comparatively to determine Type I error and power rates in Differential Item Functioning. Logistic regression, Mantel-Haenszel, Lord's , Breslow-Day and Raju's area index methods were used for the analyses, which were conducted using the R programming language. Determination of Type I error and power rates of these methods under certain conditions was carried out by simulation study. For data generation, analyzes were made under eight conditions in total by examining different sample sizes and DIF rates created with the WinGen 3 program. The results of the study indicate that, in general when the ratio of items containing DIF increased, Type I error increased and the power ratio decreased. Among the methods based on Item Response Theory, Lord's and Raju's area index methods gave better results than other methods with low error and high power.

Keywords: IRT, DIF, Type I error, power

Original Articles Primary School Teachers’ Experiences on The Process of Teaching Mathematics with The Digital Storytelling Method

Şuheda Ünal, Osman Çil

pp. 922 - 971   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.10


In this study, it was aimed to analyze primary school teachers’ experiences on mathematical education prepared with digital storytelling, and in this regard, phenomenological research design was utilized. Using the criterion sampling method among purposive sampling methods, a study group consisting of 25 primary school teacher teachers was chosen. The obtained data was analyzed by means of content analysis method. As a result of the research, it is seen that, according to statement of the primary school teachers, digital stories can be used in the mathematical lessons for being attention-grabbing, at introduction phase for activating prior knowledge, at development phase for allowing students to take active role in the process and at evaluation phase for helping to repeat subjects and identify the learning losses. Additionally, it was indicated by them that digital stories can be used in teaching of numbers and operations as well as geometry and measurement that are parts of mathematics curriculum. It was emphasized by the primary school teachers that the need of technological equipment and materials should be met during teaching process conducted with digital storytelling. Expressing that digital stories should be prepared in a way to allow students’ active participation based on their interests, needs and individual differences, it was also highlighted by the primary school teachers that it is important to support the process with concrete materials and increase the number of digital stories for different subjects.

Keywords: Digital story, mathematics teaching, primary school teacher

Original Articles Team Innovativeness, Teachers’ Professional Practices, and Teachers’ Instructional Practices: Testing a Mediation Model

Ramazan Atasoy, Mehmet Tufan Yalçın

pp. 972 - 997   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.11


Teachers’ teaching behaviors are often at the center of reflections on how educational reforms and school improvement efforts affect school outcomes. For this reason, studies by educational scholars need to determine that the variables affecting teachers’ classroom instructional practices remain up to date. In this study, we aimed to scrutinize team innovativeness’s effect on teachers’ instructional practices through the mediating power of the teachers’ professional practices (exchange and coordination among teachers-professional collaboration in lessons among teachers). In this study, data collected from 3083 teachers working in secondary schools participating in the International Teaching and Learning Survey (TALIS), conducted by in 2018, were used. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to examine the relationship between teachers’ team innovativeness, professional practices, and instructional practice scores obtained from the data. The results revealed that team innovativeness supports teachers’ professional practices, and such professional practices have a small impact on teachers’ instructional practices. Another result showed that teachers’ professional practices mediated the relationship between team innovativeness and teachers’ instructional practices. This study establishes a link between teachers’ instructional practices and team innovativeness, which has not been extensively researched in countries with a centralized and rigidly bureaucratic educational system. In this context, it is recommended that policymakers and school principals develop practices to support teachers’ team innovativeness.

Keywords: Team innovativeness, teachers’ professional practices, teachers’ instructional practices, professional collaboration, exchange and coordination

Original Articles An Investigation of Research on Differentiated Instruction Approach in Preschool Education Between 2005-2022

Tacettin Tezcan, Zeynep Fulya Temel

pp. 998 - 1021   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.12


Differentiated instruction is a pedagogical approach that involves differentiating the content, process, teaching methods, resources used, activities implemented and children's products to meet the learning needs of children with different levels of readiness, interests and learning styles in the same classroom. Considering the differences of children in multicultural societies, differentiated instruction helps to turn children's differences into advantages and respond to their learning needs. The aim of this study is to present a general framework for differentiated instruction in the light of the studies on differentiated instruction in preschool education between 2005 and 2022 in the literature. For this purpose, a systematic literature review on differentiated instruction in preschool education was conducted and the reflections of differentiated instruction in preschool education were investigated. The 41 articles obtained as a result of the review were analyzed by content analysis according to the years of publication, the index of the journals in which they were published, the subjects studied, the methods used, the methods of analysis, data collection sources, data collection tools and samples. As a result, in the scanned studies; the most articles were published in 2021 and it was seen that they were mostly published in SCI/SSCI indexes. It is seen that teachers are given trainings about the differentiated instruction approach as the subject of the published articles, and as a result of the trainings, teachers support the development of children with their practices.

Keywords: Preschool education, differentiated instruction, descriptive method, content analysis.

Original Articles Literature Circle Method Practice with Preschool Teachers through Children’s Books: An Action Research Example

Gülizar Tepetaş Cengiz, Mahzar Bal

pp. 1022 - 1045   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.13


The aim of this study is to increase the interaction between the educator and the book by discussing the picture storybooks used in the picture story reading activities carried out by the preschool educators through the literature circle methods. Since it aims to intervene in an educational situation and is carried out directly with preschool educators, this study was designed with action research, one of the qualitative research methods. The participants of the research are four preschool educators. As for the data collection, semi-structured interview form, participants’ diaries, and researcher's diary were used. Content analysis technique was used in the analysis of the data. At the end of the research, it was concluded that the literature circle method affected the reading process in three different ways. These are (a) professional development, (b) relativity for the student, and (c) planning the teaching process. It was concluded that the reading circle method had a positive effect on the professional development of the participants, enabling the proper reading process for the student and effective planning of in-class practices. Hands-on workshops can be carried out that enable preschool educators to make use of picture storybooks in their schools through different reading methods.

Keywords: Literature circle, preschool educator, picture storybooks, reader response theory, reading skill

Original Articles A Review of Classroom Teachers' Perceptions of Art and Aesthetic Field Competency with Respect to Different Variables in Their Classroom Practices

Selma Aslantaş

pp. 1046 - 1069   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/tayjournal.2023.610.14


The purpose of the current study is to examine the competency perceptions of classroom teachers with respect to different variables (district centre or village, age and seniority in the profession), both in general and in terms of dimensions (knowledge, application, aesthetic perspective) in the fields of art and aesthetics in classroom practices. The study, based on a descriptive survey model, was conducted with 222 classroom teachers serving in Hatay Reyhanlı district in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. “Art and Aesthetic Field Competency Scale” has been used for the collection of study data. Data are presented as percentage and frequency values. For comparisons based on gender and place of residence, a parametric technique, namely t-test for independent groups, was used, and for comparisons based on age and seniority, one-way analysis of variance [ANOVA] was used. Based on the findings, it was concluded that there are a number of self-perceived competence dimensions in the field of art and aesthetics among teachers. ANOVA results showed that there was a significant difference between the groups in the application dimension, but there was no significant difference in the knowledge, aesthetics and total dimensions. It was observed that the scores in the application dimension differed statistically significantly according to age. Tukey test was performed to determine the source of differences. As a result of this test, it was concluded that classroom teachers between the ages of 23-29 included more art and aesthetic practices in their lessons than classroom teachers aged 40 and over. 

Keywords: Art, aesthetics, art education, classroom teacher