|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Original article | TAY Journal 2024, Vol. 8(1) 98-122

Examination of Peer Bullying in Primary School Students in Terms of Various Variables

Ali Demircioğlu, Cüneyit Akar

pp. 98 - 122   |  DOI: https://doi.org/10.29329/ tayjournal.2024.625.04   |  Manu. Number: tay journal.2024.004

Published online: March 31, 2024  |   Number of Views: 32  |  Number of Download: 184


This research was conducted to determine the levels of primary school students' exposure to peer bullying at school and to examine their levels of exposure to bullying in terms of gender, grade level, television watching time, tablet and mobile phone usage time. Descriptive scanning method was used in the research. The study group of the research consists of 282 primary school students studying in a province in the Aegean Region in the 2022-2023 academic year. A personal information form prepared by the researchers and a scale called "Violence/Bullying in Schools" was used as a data collection tools. When the findings were examined, it was seen that 41% of the students were exposed to bullying at school, and the type of bullying behavior they encountered most was verbal bullying. According to the results, in the physical bullying category, pushing, hair and ear pulling; name-calling and teasing in the verbal bullying category; In the emotional bullying category, exclusion and humiliation from the group were found to be more common behaviors among peers. In all types of bullying, male students are more exposed to peer bullying than female students and 4th grade students are more exposed to peer bullying than other grade levels. While no significant relationship could be detected between the time spent watching television and types of bullying, high positive relationships were detected between the time spent on mobile phones-tablets and types of bullying.

Keywords: Peer bullying, primary school, undesirable behaviors

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APA 6th edition
Demircioglu, A. & Akar, C. (2024). Examination of Peer Bullying in Primary School Students in Terms of Various Variables . TAY Journal, 8(1), 98-122. doi: 10.29329/ tayjournal.2024.625.04

Demircioglu, A. and Akar, C. (2024). Examination of Peer Bullying in Primary School Students in Terms of Various Variables . TAY Journal, 8(1), pp. 98-122.

Chicago 16th edition
Demircioglu, Ali and Cuneyit Akar (2024). "Examination of Peer Bullying in Primary School Students in Terms of Various Variables ". TAY Journal 8 (1):98-122. doi:10.29329/ tayjournal.2024.625.04.


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