Research article | Open Access
TAY Journal 2024, Vol. 8(2) 197-224
pp. 197 - 224 | DOI:
Publish Date: July 31, 2024 | Single/Total View: 33/144 | Single/Total Download: 40/159
Aim of this study was to examine mediating role of professional burnout in the relationship between life satisfaction, teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction of teachers working in inclusive classrooms. A structural equation modelling method was used in the study. Life satisfaction scale, teacher self-efficacy scale, job satisfaction scale and teacher professional burnout scale were used to collect data under scope of the study. Google Forms software was used to collect research data. The scales created on Google Forms were conveyed to teachers via WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram and e-mail. Normality test was applied to obtained data and it was observed that the data was normally distributed. According to the results of the research, there was a positive relationship between teachers' levels of life satisfaction and professional self-efficacy, a positive relationship between their levels of life satisfaction and job satisfaction; a negative relationship between their levels of self-efficacy and professional burnout; a negative relationship between their levels of life satisfaction and professional burnout, and a negative relationship between their levels of professional burnout and job satisfaction. Results do not present any relationship between teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction. It was observed that teachers' professional burnout played a mediating role not only in the relationship between self-efficacy and job satisfaction but also in the relationship between life satisfaction and job satisfaction. In future studies, the mediating role of other variables can be analysed.
Keywords: Life satisfaction, professional burnout, self-efficacy, job satisfaction
APA 7th edition
Yavuz, M., & Ilgaz, G. (2024). The Mediating Role of Professional Burnout in the Relationship between Life Satisfaction, Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction of Teachers Working in Inclusive Classrooms. TAY Journal, 8(2), 197-224.
Yavuz, M. and Ilgaz, G. (2024). The Mediating Role of Professional Burnout in the Relationship between Life Satisfaction, Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction of Teachers Working in Inclusive Classrooms. TAY Journal, 8(2), pp. 197-224.
Chicago 16th edition
Yavuz, Mehmet and Gokhan Ilgaz (2024). "The Mediating Role of Professional Burnout in the Relationship between Life Satisfaction, Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction of Teachers Working in Inclusive Classrooms". TAY Journal 8 (2):197-224.
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