Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2024, Vol. 8(3) 529-561

Examining Classroom Management Anxiety Levels of Classroom Teachers and Their Attitudes Towards Refugee Pupils

Adnan Delen, Muhammet Hanifi Ercoşkun

pp. 529 - 561   |  DOI:

Publish Date: November 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 12/64   |   Single/Total Download: 13/74


In this study, the classroom management concerns and attitudes towards refugee students of 328 classroom teachers in the Midyat district of Mardin province were examined according to various variables. Descriptive scanning from quantitative designs was used. Data were collected using the 'Classroom Management Anxiety Scale' and the 'Refugee Student Attitude Scale'. In the study, it was observed that teachers' classroom management anxieties were high, while their attitudes towards refugee students were positive. The teachers' classroom management anxieties did not vary according to the variables of professional seniority, the grade they taught, class size, the number of refugee students, and their ability to communicate with refugee students and their parents. However, it has been observed that as teachers' seniority increases, their concerns about classroom management decrease; those teaching intermediate grades are more anxious than those teaching first grade. On the other hand, teachers' positive attitudes towards refugee students did not vary according to their professional seniority, the grade they taught, class size, and the number of refugee students. However, as teachers' seniority increased and class sizes decreased, their positive attitudes towards refugees also increased. Additionally, teachers' positive attitudes towards refugee students have varied in favor of those who can communicate with refugee students and their parents. Based on these findings, it has been recommended that teachers be provided with inclusive and multicultural education, effective classroom management, and communication skills in differentiated environments, that Turkish be taught to refugees, and that they be evenly distributed among branches after language training.

Keywords: Refugee student, classroom management, anxiety, attitude

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APA 7th edition
Delen, A., & Ercoskun, M.H. (2024). Examining Classroom Management Anxiety Levels of Classroom Teachers and Their Attitudes Towards Refugee Pupils. TAY Journal, 8(3), 529-561.

Delen, A. and Ercoskun, M. (2024). Examining Classroom Management Anxiety Levels of Classroom Teachers and Their Attitudes Towards Refugee Pupils. TAY Journal, 8(3), pp. 529-561.

Chicago 16th edition
Delen, Adnan and Muhammet Hanifi Ercoskun (2024). "Examining Classroom Management Anxiety Levels of Classroom Teachers and Their Attitudes Towards Refugee Pupils". TAY Journal 8 (3):529-561.


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