|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Volume 8 Issue 3 (November 2024)

Issue Information

Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056



Original Articles

Consumer Environmental Consciousness Perceptions of Social Studies Teacher Candidates: Mixed Method Research

Tuğçe Gamze İşçi, Ayşe Özgün, Kubilay Yazıcı

pp. 390 - 413   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056.01


The aim of the research is to determine the consumer environmental awareness perception levels of social studies teacher candidates and their views on the issue. For this reason, the research was carried out using the combining pattern, which is one of the mixed research methods. The study group of the research consisted of 357 social studies teacher candidates determined by convenient sampling method in the quantitative section, and 20 social studies teacher candidates determined through easily accessible case sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, in the qualitative section. In this context, “Consumer Environmental Awareness Perception Scale”, “Semi-Structured Interview” and “Personal Information Form” were used as data collection tools. Quantitative and qualitative data were analysed by descriptive statistical methods and content analysis respectively and the collected data were combined and interpreted. As a result of the research, it was determined that the social studies teacher candidates’ perceptions of consumer environmental awareness were high. Similarly, it was found that a statistically significant difference existed in the participating in environmental activities variable in favor of those who participated in environmental activities. It was also determined that the results obtained from the quantitative findings of the research were similar to the results obtained from the qualitative findings.

Keywords: Consumer environmental awareness, perception, social studies, teacher candidate

Examining Classroom Teachers’ Views About Violence against Teachers 

Adem Doğan, Elif Uçar

pp. 414 - 439   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056.02


Teachers have always played an important role and had a special place in society. While teachers are so valuable, violence against them should not be accepted. However, today, this situation can even reach the schools and classrooms where teachers teach. This study was conducted to obtain the opinions of classroom teachers about the increasing violence against teachers. A case study design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study. 27 classroom teachers participated in the study. The sample of the study was determined by the criterion sampling method from the purposeful sampling technique. The data was obtained with a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers by consulting expert opinions. The data obtained at the end of the data collection process was analyzed with the content analysis technique. As a result of the research, it was concluded that classroom teachers were negatively affected by the news of violence against teachers, that the profession was discredited and that deterrent sanctions should be applied as a solution to this issue, and that they thought that the discrediting of the profession was the cause of the violent incidents. Based on the results obtained, suggestions such as securing teachers' rights through legal means, showing the necessary importance to teachers in terms of material and moral aspects, increasing security measures in schools and holding parent meetings in a safe environment by appointment come to the fore.

Keywords: Teacher, violence, violence in education, teacher opinions

Exploring Cultural Heritage through Virtual Museums: Social Studies Teacher Candidates’ Views and Experiences with Virtual Museums

Ceren Utkugün, Ramazan Yıldırım

pp. 440 - 476   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056.03


As the role of museums in preserving cultural heritage and passing it on to future generations becomes increasingly significant, virtual museums in a digitalized world have introduced a new dimension to the discovery and learning process of this heritage. This study aims to examine the views and experiences of social studies teacher candidates regarding virtual museums. The study was designed using a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The study group consisted of 45 teacher candidates. A virtual museum interview form was used as the data collection tool. The data were collected in a digital environment through the completion of virtual museum interview forms. Content analysis was utilized for data analysis. The virtual museum visits of teacher candidates were analyzed under themes such as archaeology museums, history and ethnography museums, science and technology museums, and nature and environment museums, with prominent sites like Göbeklitepe and the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations coming to the forefront. Teacher candidates positively assessed the use of virtual museums in social studies lessons for reasons such as supporting permanent learning by concretizing the teaching-learning process and making lessons more enjoyable. They designed various learning materials and activities using virtual museums, increased their cultural awareness, and contributed to their educational practices. As a result of the study, it was suggested to strengthen schools’ technical infrastructure, enrich virtual museum content, encourage teacher candidates to use virtual museums as teaching materials, and integrate virtual and physical museum visits to enhance the educational impact of virtual museums.

Keywords: Cultural heritage, museum, virtual museum, social studies education, teacher candidate

Analysing the Tasks in Middle School Mathematics Textbooks According to the Levels of Cognitive Demand

Şenol Namlı, Bilal Özçakır

pp. 477 - 502   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056.04


This study aims to investigate and categorize the tasks in middle school mathematics textbooks based on their cognitive demand levels. The goal is to examine how these tasks align with educational objectives aimed at fostering students’ critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. This research employed the document analysis method. This study evaluated the mathematical tasks in 5th to 8th grade textbooks used in schools in Türkiye, using Smith and Stein’s (1998) framework for classifying mathematical tasks. The data were examined using the content analysis method. The results indicated that most tasks in these textbooks were concentrated at the levels of procedures without connections and procedures with connections. Additionally, the proportion of tasks requiring higher-order cognitive skills, specifically, doing mathematics tasks, was relatively low. Based on these findings, future textbook revisions should integrate more high cognitive demand tasks to both strengthen students' procedural skills and foster complex problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.

Keywords: Cognitive demand, mathematical task, textbook, middle school mathematics, activity

Social Studies Teachers’ Opinions on the Abolished Teacher’s Guidebooks

İhsan Ünlü, Rumeysa Kanat

pp. 503 - 528   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056.05


The education system should be updated in accordance with the needs and should be open to innovations. Teaching methods and materials should also adapt to these changes. The abolition of teacher’s guidebooks as of the 2018-2019 academic year has had significant effects on the education system. The purpose of this study is to examine the views of social studies teachers on the abolition of teacher’s guidebooks. The participants of the study, which was conducted with qualitative research method, were 15 social studies teachers, 4 females and 11 males, who started working in Erzincan before 2018. Data were collected with an 8-item semi-structured interview form in the autumn semester of the 2023-2024 academic year and evaluated by content analysis method. The results show that teachers’ guidebooks are used at least at one stage of the course, and this has both positive and negative effects on professional development, time management, freedom and creativity. In addition, it was found that teachers needed guidebooks more in the first years of the profession and did not use daily plans. In this context, the question of whether guidebooks should be redistributed has led to the conclusions that they should be redistributed, should not be redistributed, and should be revised and then redistributed.

Keywords: Social studies, teacher’s guidebooks, textbook, teacher opinions

Examining Classroom Management Anxiety Levels of Classroom Teachers and Their Attitudes Towards Refugee Pupils

Adnan Delen, Muhammet Hanifi Ercoşkun

pp. 529 - 561   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056.06


In this study, the classroom management concerns and attitudes towards refugee students of 328 classroom teachers in the Midyat district of Mardin province were examined according to various variables. Descriptive scanning from quantitative designs was used. Data were collected using the “Classroom Management Anxiety Scale” and the “Refugee Student Attitude Scale”. In the study, it was observed that teachers’ classroom management anxieties were high, while their attitudes towards refugee students were positive. The teachers’ classroom management anxieties did not vary according to the variables of professional seniority, the grade they taught, class size, the number of refugee students, and their ability to communicate with refugee students and their parents. However, it has been observed that as teachers’ seniority increases, their concerns about classroom management decrease; those teaching intermediate grades are more anxious than those teaching first grade. On the other hand, teachers’ positive attitudes towards refugee students did not vary according to their professional seniority, the grade they taught, class size, and the number of refugee students. However, as teachers’ seniority increased and class sizes decreased, their positive attitudes towards refugees also increased. Additionally, teachers’ positive attitudes towards refugee students have varied in favor of those who can communicate with refugee students and their parents. Based on these findings, it has been recommended that teachers be provided with inclusive and multicultural education, effective classroom management, and communication skills in differentiated environments, that Turkish be taught to refugees, and that they be evenly distributed among branches after language training.

Keywords: Refugee student, classroom management, anxiety, attitude

Review Articles

Designing Visual Abstracts Used in Scientific Publications

Arzu Gürdal

pp. 562 - 586   |  DOI: 10.29329/tayjournal.2024.1056.07


Visual abstracts (VAs) are visualized summary information that play an important role in increasing the reading rate and spreading of academic publications.  This study, which focuses on the design of VAs used in scientific publications, has a compilation design. The visual abstracts design guide of five existing publishing houses and journals was examined in the study. The criteria suggested in the study are presented in the context of graphic/visual communication design criteria and visual perception theory, considering the Gestalt perception principles and based on scientific and artistic design principles. In addition, how VAs contributing to scientific publications should be drawn and within the framework of which rules scientific data should be converted into VAs are given with design criteria. As a result of the study, the framework of Gestalt perception theories and design principles was determined, and the new guide was reached by combining it with the criteria of the publishing houses considered. In the study, the design of the new design proposal on three bases was found successful in terms of clarity and perception. “Grouping scientific data as theoretical design: the phase of organizing theoretical knowledge”, “visual design: determining the data to be converted into visuals” and “social media design: the phase of preparing for social media” has been a very useful process for researchers who will work in this field.

Keywords: Visual abstract, scientific visualization, data visualization, visual abstract design method, Gestalt perception principles, graphic design criteria