Review article | Open Access
TAY Journal 2024, Vol. 8(3) 562-586
pp. 562 - 586 | DOI:
Publish Date: November 30, 2024 | Single/Total View: 5/66 | Single/Total Download: 5/72
Visual abstracts (VAs) are visualized summary information that play an important role in increasing the reading rate and spreading of academic publications. This study, which focuses on the design of VAs used in scientific publications, has a compilation design. The visual abstracts design guide of five existing publishing houses and journals was examined in the study. The criteria suggested in the study are presented in the context of graphic/visual communication design criteria and visual perception theory, considering the Gestalt perception principles and based on scientific and artistic design principles. In addition, how VAs contributing to scientific publications should be drawn and within the framework of which rules scientific data should be converted into VAs are given with design criteria. As a result of the study, the framework of Gestalt perception theories and design principles was determined, and the new guide was reached by combining it with the criteria of the publishing houses considered. In the study, the design of the new design proposal on three bases was found successful in terms of clarity and perception. 'Grouping scientific data as theoretical design: the phase of organizing theoretical knowledge', 'visual design: determining the data to be converted into visuals' and 'social media design: the phase of preparing for social media' has been a very useful process for researchers who will work in this field.
Keywords: Visual abstract, scientific visualization, data visualization, visual abstract design method, Gestalt perception principles, graphic design criteria
APA 7th edition
Gurdal, A. (2024). Designing Visual Abstracts Used in Scientific Publications. TAY Journal, 8(3), 562-586.
Gurdal, A. (2024). Designing Visual Abstracts Used in Scientific Publications. TAY Journal, 8(3), pp. 562-586.
Chicago 16th edition
Gurdal, Arzu (2024). "Designing Visual Abstracts Used in Scientific Publications". TAY Journal 8 (3):562-586.
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