|  e-ISSN: 2618-589X

Guide For Authors

Authors have to check on all items of the list in the author guidelines during the submission process, nonoverlapping manuscripts with this guideline are resent to authors. However, organizing the manuscript with the manuscript template provides convenience.
Please note that if the manuscript does not comply with the author guidelines, it may be returned or rejected. 

Article Template

Click for article template.

Manuscripts submitted to TAY Journal must not be published formerly and accepted and evaluated in any journal.
Author or corresponded author has to abdicate copyrights of the submitted manuscript and certify to dispone all rights of the manuscript to the TAY Journal by filling in up the Copyright Form. Therefore Author/ corresponded author has to fill in up the Copyright Form and add a wet ink signature and upload scanned form.

Copyright Transfer Form

Click to download Copyright Form.


Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive

Ethical rules to be followed for studies submitted to the journal:

Ethics committee approval should be obtained for experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision.

This approval document (name of the board, date and issue number) should be included in the method section and the first / last page of the article. Information should be given that the informed consent form is signed in qualitative research and case studies that require data collection in direct communication with people such as interviews and observations.

Within the scope of TR Index 2020 rules, an affirmation stating that all the rules in the "Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive" are complied with and that none of the actions in the second part of the directive "Actions Against Scientific Research and Publication Ethics" were carried out should be added to the end of the article. In order for the studies to be evaluated, this information should be added to the candidate article before applying.

Manuscript Submission Check List

1. I/we prepared the manuscript based on the following criteria and accepted manuscript submission terms and conditions. √
2. The manuscript is directly related to education research or a discussion article. √
3. This manuscript did not publish in any journal, and it was not under review. √
4. The manuscript is adjusted margins 2,5 cm of photocopying paper √
5. Each paragraph should include three sentences at least. √
6. The manuscript is presented within removing author names. They are not indicated in the attachment file. √
7. The whole manuscript should be written with Cambria style. √
8. The word count limit of the extended Turkish summary of the study should be at least 25% and at most 35% of the full text word count.
it should not exceed 8000 words except abstract and extended English abstract (150-200 words, 1000-1500 words) √
9. If the manuscript is presented as English full-text; it should not exceed 8000 words √
10. English title of the manuscript ranges from 10 to 18 words. √
11. English title of the manuscript should be centered, bold, 16 fonts, space: before/after 30nk, line spacing 12nk √
12. English abstract of the manuscript should include general content, method, result, conclusion, and recommendations, √
13. There should be no citation in the English abstract of manuscript. √
14. English abstract of the manuscript should be unindented, 10 fonts, space: before/after 3nk, line spacing 12nk, between 150 words and 200 words. √
15. Keywords of English abstract should be between 3 words and 7 words. Flush left, 10 fonts, space: before/after 3nk, line spacing 12 nk and the first letter of the first word is capital. √
16. Title of the Turkish“Extended Abstract”-Centered, Cambria, Bold font 16, Spacing: 30 pt before / after, line spacing 12 pt √
17. Turkish extended abstract of the manuscript should include “Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, Recommendations” titles and these titles should be organized as iIntroduction-First line inside 1.25cm, Cambria, Bold 14 font, Spacing: 6 pt before / after, line spacing 12 pt √
18. Extended Turkish Abstract of the manuscript; indented fist line 1,25cm, 11 fonts, space: before/after 6nk, line spacing 16nk √
19. Turkish title of the manuscript should be ranging from 10 words to 18 words √
20. Turkish title of the manuscript; should be centered, bold, 16 fonts, space: before/after 30nk, line spacing 12nk √
21. Turkish abstract of the manuscript should represent general content, method, result, and implications. √
22. There is no citation in the Turkish abstract of the manuscript. √
23. Turkish abstract of the manuscript is unindented, 10 fonts, space: before/after 3nk, line spacing 12nk, ranging from 150 words to 200 words.√
24. Keywords of Turkish abstract should range from 3 words to 7 words in the manuscript. Flush left, space: before/after 3nk, line spacing 12nk, and the first letter of the first word is capitalized. √
25. Full text of the manuscript should include titles named “Introduction, Method, Findings, Result and Discussion, Implications/Recommendations, References.” and first letter(s) of these titles are capital and centered, bold, 11 type size, space: before/after 6nk, line spacing 12nk. These levels are the first level of titles. √
26. The parts located underlying full-text’s main titles of manuscript; the first line is indented 1,25 cm, 11 fonts, space: before/after 6nk, line spacing 16nk √
27. Second level title, fist line indent 1,25cm, 11 fonts, spacing: before/after 6nk, line spacing 12nk, the first letters are capital.
Third level title, indent first line 1,25 cm, 11 fonts, italic, space: before/after 6nk, line spacing 12nk, initials are capital
Fourth level line, the first line is unindented, 11 fonts, space: before/after 6nk, line spacing 12nk, the first letter is capital and use a colon for keep writing after the title
Fifth level title, the first line is unindented, 11 fonts, italic, space: before/after 6nk, line spacing 12nk, the first letter is capital and use a colon for keep writing after the title. √
28. Titles, tables, figures, citations, references, and other characteristics of the manuscript were specified in APA 6. √
29. Figures and tables of the manuscript were niched in the text. √
30. Table’s name italic, no first-line indent, 10 type size, justified alignment, before/after 3nk, line spacing 12nk √
31. Figure’s name must be written as 10 type size, centralized, before/after 3nk, line spacing 12nk √
32. The caption in figures and tables is 10 type size. √
33. All citations are involved in “references” part. √
34. References should be prepared based on APA 7 reference and citing displaying essences, 10 pt fonts, justified alignment, dangled, indent value: 1.25 cm, before/after 3nk, line spacing 12nk √

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