Aim & Scope

TAY Journal, an international refereed journal, published its first issue in December-2017. The journal, which aims to disseminate developments related to education in the national and international arena, aims to contribute to the development of the education system in this way.

Tay Journal aims to serve education by publishing academic studies that address problems related to all levels of education (pre-school, primary, secondary, higher education and adult education) and offer concrete solutions to these problems and prioritize the development of educational stakeholders.

Within the framework of these objectives, TAY Journal accepts qualitative, quantitative and mixed research in all fields related to education.

The following fields of studies are within the publication scope of TAY Journal.

Social Studies Education
Life Science Education
Classroom Teacher Education
Special Education
Computer Education and Instructional Technology
Measurement and Evaluation in Education
Education Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Administration, Supervision, Planning and Economics
Science Education
Mathematics Education
Music Education
Preschool Education
Visual Arts Education
Guidance and Psychological Counseling
History Education
Turkish Education
Geography Education
Physical Education

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