Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2018, Vol. 2(1) 46-62

Reading Performance Indicators Are Poor Let's Make Them

Birsen DOĞAN

pp. 46 - 62   |  DOI:

Publish Date: February 01, 2018  |   Single/Total View: 26/369   |   Single/Total Download: 29/639


Reading habit, which is one of the most fundamental qualifications, a child needs to acquire to succeed in life. Because, individuals having reading habits make contribution to society as well as their lives. Those individuals improve themselves more and also are open to new innovations. the individuals who improve themselves in terms of cognitive, social, and affective make more contribution to development of society's economic, social, and cultural life. However, considering the circumstances in Turkey, it would be contended that level of students' reading skills and habits are at the low level. In order to solve these problems, it needs to be conducted projects related to reading. In that regard, a project entitled 'Let's take a step: Lets read, share and disseminate' has been prepared and funded by the TUBITAK under grant 1001. In this project, it has been aimed to train preservice teachers regarding literature circles and also help elementary school students to acquire reading habits and positive reading attitudes through the trained pre-service teachers. The activities related to literature circles have been planned and have been implementing during the projects. This article aimed to introduce this project and the activities in the project. The current project introduced in this article would provide new insights into developing new similar and extended projects to improve both children's reading habits in the short-term future in Turkey and to make contribution to development of society in the long-term future. In addition, it is expected that this article would provide new perspectives for researchers and help new ideas appear to solve existing problems


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APA 7th edition
DOGAN, B. (2018). Reading Performance Indicators Are Poor Let’s Make Them. TAY Journal, 2(1), 46-62.

DOGAN, B. (2018). Reading Performance Indicators Are Poor Let’s Make Them. TAY Journal, 2(1), pp. 46-62.

Chicago 16th edition
DOGAN, Birsen (2018). "Reading Performance Indicators Are Poor Let’s Make Them". TAY Journal 2 (1):46-62.

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