Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2022, Vol. 6(2) 207-251

Investigation of STEM Approach Applications Based on Model Eliciting Activities in Primary School 4th Grade Mathematics Lessons of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers

Samet DEMİR & Metin DEMİR

pp. 207 - 251   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 30, 2022  |   Single/Total View: 176/488   |   Single/Total Download: 241/965


In this research, it is aimed to examine how the pre-service classroom teachers apply the STEM approach applications based on model eliciting activities that they designed themselves in primary school 4th grade mathematics course. In the research, the basic qualitative research design was used. The research was carried out in a public primary school in a province in the Aegean region within the scope of Teaching Practice I course in the fall semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. 4 of the 8 participants took part in the research as event practitioners and the other 4 as observers. Practitioner participants designed and implemented 3 STEM approach applications based on model eliciting activities implementation plans. At the end of each activity, semi-structured interviews were held with the practitioners, and when all the activities were finished, with the observer participants, and written opinions of 4th grade primary school students were obtained through structured forms. As a result of the analysis of the observations and interviews, it is seen that the participants completed the STEM approach applications based on model eliciting activities in 6 stages, each stage has a flexible structure that can be switched between each other, they have the motivation to implement the activities despite their lack of experience, and in general, each participant completes the process. When only the opinions of the participants was analyzed, it was concluded that despite the difficulties they experienced, they were willing to apply the STEM approach based on model eliciting activities in their professional lives, and that the students' interest and motivation towards the applications increased, and that, apart from some other skills, students gained cooperation, communication, creativity, and critical thinking skills.

Keywords: STEM approach applications based on model eliciting activities, prospective classroom teacher, STEM education approach

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APA 7th edition
DEMIR, S., & DEMIR, M. (2022). Investigation of STEM Approach Applications Based on Model Eliciting Activities in Primary School 4th Grade Mathematics Lessons of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers. TAY Journal, 6(2), 207-251.

DEMIR, S. and DEMIR, M. (2022). Investigation of STEM Approach Applications Based on Model Eliciting Activities in Primary School 4th Grade Mathematics Lessons of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers. TAY Journal, 6(2), pp. 207-251.

Chicago 16th edition
DEMIR, Samet and Metin DEMIR (2022). "Investigation of STEM Approach Applications Based on Model Eliciting Activities in Primary School 4th Grade Mathematics Lessons of Pre-Service Classroom Teachers". TAY Journal 6 (2):207-251.

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