Research article    |    Open Access
TAY Journal 2024, Vol. 8(3) 414-439

Examining Classroom Teachers' Views About Violence against Teachers

Adem Doğan, Elif Uçar

pp. 414 - 439   |  DOI:

Publish Date: November 30, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 16/52   |   Single/Total Download: 18/60


Teachers have always played an important role and had a special place in society. While teachers are so valuable, violence against them should not be accepted. However, today, this situation can even reach the schools and classrooms where teachers teach. This study was conducted to obtain the opinions of classroom teachers about the increasing violence against teachers. A case study design, one of the qualitative research designs, was used in the study. 27 classroom teachers participated in the study. The sample of the study was determined by the criterion sampling method from the purposeful sampling technique. The data was obtained with a semi-structured interview form prepared by the researchers by consulting expert opinions. The data obtained at the end of the data collection process was analyzed with the content analysis technique. As a result of the research, it was concluded that classroom teachers were negatively affected by the news of violence against teachers, that the profession was discredited and that deterrent sanctions should be applied as a solution to this issue, and that they thought that the discrediting of the profession was the cause of the violent incidents. Based on the results obtained, suggestions such as securing teachers' rights through legal means, showing the necessary importance to teachers in terms of material and moral aspects, increasing security measures in schools and holding parent meetings in a safe environment by appointment come to the fore.

Keywords: Teacher, violence, violence in education, teacher opinions

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Dogan, A., & Ucar, E. (2024). Examining Classroom Teachers’ Views About Violence against Teachers . TAY Journal, 8(3), 414-439.

Dogan, A. and Ucar, E. (2024). Examining Classroom Teachers’ Views About Violence against Teachers . TAY Journal, 8(3), pp. 414-439.

Chicago 16th edition
Dogan, Adem and Elif Ucar (2024). "Examining Classroom Teachers’ Views About Violence against Teachers ". TAY Journal 8 (3):414-439.


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