Research article | Open Access
TAY Journal 2024, Vol. 8(2) 225-245
Tuğba Semin Akkurt, Ömer Faruk Sönmez
1 | The Effect of Creative Dance on Spatial Thinking, Mental Rotation
Bengisu KOYUNCU |
2 | “Plickers”, The Fun State of Assessment and Evaluation: The Experiences of Social Studies Pre-Service Teachers
Galip Öner |
3 | Examination of The Social Emotional Learning Levels of Students Who Education in Sports High School and Different High Schools According to Various Variables
Metin Tan, İsrafil Yaşın |
4 | Opinions of Social Studies Teachers and 7th-Grade Students Regarding Digital Literacy Skills
Esra Mindivanli-Akdoğan, Ümmühan Öner |
5 | Investigation of the Effects of Augmented Reality Applications on the Astronomy Literacy Levels of Secondary School Students
Esra Benli Özdemir |
6 | The Discrete Option Multiple Choice Items as A Measurement Instrument for Mathematics Achievement
Atilla Özdemir, Selahattin Gelbal |